Community Involvement

TECH Project: Keeping the Community Informed

QPM is committed to keeping the community and interested stakeholders informed about the TECH Project while the Project is still in development. We maintain a strong presence in the community through our local Townsville office, where community members can meet with QPM representatives and seek information about the Project.

Information Sessions

Queensland Pacific Metals is committed to keeping the community and interested stakeholders informed. The company maintains a strong presence in the community through its local Townsville office.

The company holds regular Community Information Sessions with all people welcome to attend.  Community Information session times and locations are advertised in the Townsville Bulletin and are also available on the company website.

If you would like further information about future sessions, please call our Townsville office.

April Community Information Session
Queensland Pacific Metals TECH Project

Tuesday 30 April, 2024
9am – 12pm and 2pm – 6pm
Woodstock Community Hall
Glenn Road, Woodstock QLD 4816

QPM Townsville Energy Chemicals Hub (TECH) Project will be holding a community information session to provide a project update as the project design progresses.

The Project involves the design, construction and operation of a new environmentally sustainable, high-grade battery materials refinery, within the Lansdown Eco-Industrial Precinct. There is a growing demand for sustainably produced battery materials, for renewable energy projects and electric vehicle production.

The Project has primary approvals from Commonwealth Department of Climate Change, Energy, Environment and Water, Townsville City Council, State Assessment and Referral Agency and the Department of Environment and Science.

Project team members will be available at the drop-in, community information sessions to provide more information and answer questions. Light refreshments will be provided. The team looks forward to welcoming the community on the day, noting there is no requirement to confirm your attendance prior to the day.

For more Information:

Call: 1800 752 047


Download the PDF Flyer


Queensland Pacific Metals has commenced an early sponsorship initiative to encourage children into sport, particularly in regional and remote Queensland.

QPM has offered sponsorships to: The Woodstock Horse Sports Club, The Challenge Games and Townsville Table Tennis, which QPM identified as groups with an inclusive approach, a low barrier to entry and a focus on encouraging children of all levels of ability to participate and have fun.

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